May 2023 Airline Adviser

May 6, 2023, already approaching mid 2023! Where does time fly? Airline Adviser is operating at a minimal capacity due to many projects aside from this site alone. Weather events have also, like millions of others, directed our time and still to this day in recovery and rebuild mode.

This goes for the same with the site Airline Adviser. Due time we rebuild and in the upcoming months do an overhaul to best serve the industry and all of you that fly. Major events across the globe have caused significant shift as to how we and the world operates.

Since our inception on the website alone in 2008 the world was totally different in the aviation and airline industry. In 2017 we did a major overhaul of this site and now 2023 we are overdue to do another major overhaul. This site is also now owned by a company related to both aviation and fire.

There is one company in Arizona that has surfaced since last year calling themselves airline s adviser and trying to imitate us from our success. They are not us and airline adviser is not associated with this fake version of us. We strongly advise them to change their name and have recently spoken to a company that knows about them and had previously done business with them but no longer engages with them as we are the one and original airline adviser.

Source Airline Adviser 05/06/23